

emerging filmmakers to keep an eye on

In the 10th year of their successful collaboration, European Film Promotion (EFP) and the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (KVIFF) are delighted to present a selection of the most outstanding emerging directors from across Europe. The ten selected film students and graduates will screen their films at this year’s festival (28 June – 6 July) and take part in a tailor-made promotion and networking programme.

The filmmakers are nominated by their countries' national film promotion institutes, with the final selection being undertaken by KVIFF's artistic director Karel Och and his team.

The 2024 anniversary edition of EFP FUTURE FRAMES – Generation NEXT of European Cinema, supported by Creative Europe – the MEDIA Programme of the European Union and in cooperation with the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (KVIFF) and its partner Allwyn, a leading multi-national lottery operator, will introduce the following up-and-coming directors with their films from:

Austria: Matthias Krepp Strangers in the Night | Belgium/Flanders: Marthe Peters Baldilocks | Czech Republic: Marie-Magdalena Kochová 3 MWh | Denmark: William Sehested Høeg The Complaint | Germany: Hilke Rönnfeldt A Study of Empathy | Iceland: Anna Maria Jóakimsdóttir-Hutri Who Stands Up for Alvar | Italy: Emanuela Muzzupappa The Love Servant Romania: Bogdan Alecsandru If I Float |Slovak Republic: Katarína Gramatová A Good Mind Grows in Thorny Places | Spain: Lucía G. Romero Cura Sana

This year's group includes three award winners such as Lucía G. Romero who won the Best Short Film Crystal Bear for Cura Sana at the Berlin International Film Festival (Generation 14plus). Hilke Rönnfeldt from Germany received the Golden Leopard – Best International Short Film for A Study of Empathy at the Locarno Film Festival in 2023 while Emanuela Muzzupappa’s The Love Servant received a Special Mention at the 2024 Triest Film Festival. Three of the directors celebrated their film premieres at important festivals. Marie-Magdalena Kochová’s 3 MWh was screened at this year’s International Film Festival Rotterdam, Baldilock by Marthe Peters was presented at the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale Shorts 2024), and A Good Mind Grows in Thorny Places by Katarína Gramatová celebrated its world premiere at the Krakow Film Festival.

The emerging directors will be offered a two-part schedule, starting with an online pre-programme including pitching training and industry meetings. During the festival the directors and their films will be introduced to the public, film industry and press. The three-day on-site event running from 30 June will be rounded off by a master class.

EFP FUTURE FRAMES – Generation NEXT of European Cinema, in collaboration with Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (KVIFF), is made possible thanks to the support of Creative Europe – the MEDIA Programme of the European Union and Allwyn, a leading multi-national lottery operator, as well as the participating national film promotion institutes, EFP's member organisations: Austrian Films, Cinecittà (Italy), Czech Film Center, Danish Film Institute, Flanders Image (Belgium), German Films, Icelandic Film Centre, Romanian Film Development, Slovak Film Institute, Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales / ICAA (Spain), The main media partner is Variety, with Cineuropa and Fred Film Radio as additional media partners.

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about karlovy vary international film festival

The Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (KVIFF) is the largest film festival in the Czech Republic and the most prestigious such festival in Central and Eastern Europe. It is one of the oldest A-list film festivals (i.e., non-specialized festivals with a competition for feature-length fiction films), a category it shares with the festivals in Cannes, Berlin, Venice, Locarno, San Sebastian, Montreal, Shanghai, and Tokyo. Among filmmakers, buyers, distributors, sales agents, and journalists, KVIFF is considered the most important event in all of Central and Eastern Europe.

about allwyn

As a partner of KVIF, Allwyn, a leading multi-national lottery operator, is proud to be a partner of the FUTURE FRAMES programme to elevate and empower emerging directorial talent from across Europe. Allwyn will host the Allwyn Future Frames Lounge on site at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival and bring the ten emerging European talents together with industry leaders, including overseas talent agency UTA and management company Range Media Partners. Allwyn’s celebration evening will commemorate the work of all ten selected directors. In addition, one director from the group will be awarded a scholarship to Hollywood.

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Selection 2024

It’s New Year’s Eve 2019, and not everyone feels like celebrating. Lola and Paul are two lost souls wandering the city. They banter and argue, trying to decide whether they still want to be together. The elderly teacher Karin befriends her student Fuad, a Syrian refugee. Simon and Marie find themselves having dinner with Simon’s former professor, whom they don’t really know. A mosaic of intertwining stories about personal transformation and the search for new beginnings, about three couples and six different destinies.

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Strangers in the Night
Matthias Krepp

A look back into the past, at scenes from the history of a family marked by the serious illness of a child. In footage from dad’s video camera, hospital visits become a game, practice for actual medical procedures. A child’s-eye view of an illness whose path to a cure is filled with much pain and suffering, Baldilocks is director Martha Peters’s self-portrait of her own childhood spent battling cancer. The disease itself may have disappeared, but the memory of it has not. Fragments from the family archive produce a diverse collage of emotions, ranging from sadness, pain, and compassion to humor, courage, and – most importantly – hope.

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Marthe Peters

A 16mm film strip damaged by the electrical discharges from the protagonist’s voice recording tells the story of a nuclear power plant worker who focuses his obsession with counting on one single goal: to calculate the maximum limit of his energy consumption. A poetic film in both style and content, 3 MWh is a meditation on man’s relationship with nature, a reflection on what might happen if we retreated into the background and submitted to the natural cycle of life. What might things be like if we were to disconnect from technology and just be?

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3 MWh
Marie-Magdalena Kochová
Czech Republic

Mona and her colleagues attend a teambuilding event aimed at improving cooperation within the team. But the course of the workshop is far from easy. Mona is unable to maintain her leadership position on the team, her colleagues are confused, and their instructor is almost unbearably optimistic and constructive. To make matters worse, Mona learns that she has been the subject of an anonymous complaint for inappropriate workplace behavior... A tragicomedy from the corporate world, where interpersonal ties and friendship compete with ambition, where being promoted is the greatest goal of human existence.

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The Complaint
William Sehested Høeg

Penelope is working on an art project about empathy, and Dana is one of her subjects. But the meeting between the two women does not turn out as Dana had hoped. The initially harmless experiment forces the young woman to question her own emotions and thus herself. It isn’t until the opening of Penelope’s exhibition that we see the many different forms empathy can take. Named Best International Short Film at the 2023 Locarno International Film Festival, A Study of Empathy explores the limits of emotional vulnerability and the nature of emotion itself. A meditation on how much our perception of ourselves is dependent on our surroundings, the film naturally approaches its subject with both empathy and a subtle sense of humor.

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A Study of Empathy
Hilke Rönnfeldt

Minna is a home care nurse. With undying kindness and optimism, she visits all her clients, providing them with mental and physical comfort. She has a fifteen-year-old daughter, but she is aware that she is unable to give her the time she deserves. And then there is Alvar, a sick man who desperately needs care and support – things his illness prevents him from asking for. Who Stands Up For Alvar is a critique of an overburdened welfare system that drains caregivers of valuable energy they could be devoting to their clients, as well as a poignant look at the need for “ordinary” human kindness.

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Who Stands Up for Alva
Anna Maria Jóakimsdóttir-Hutri

In a small town somewhere in southern Italy, a mother’s prayer to Saint Rita saves her daughter from certain death. As a sign of gratitude, the little girl dresses in the saint’s clothes, after which the saint’s miraculous powers supposedly are passed on to her. Little Pinuccia enjoys her privileged, albeit isolated, status at first, but she soon discovers that fame comes with a dark side and unexpected responsibilities. Director Emanuela Muzzupappa’s short film The Love Servant explores the clash between the sacred and the profane, at the center of which is a little girl whose childhood world is not ready for such a thing.

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The Love Servant
Emanuela Muzzupappa

The self-contained world of the swimming pool forms the stage for a conflict between Vio and her classmates, with whom she does not get along. The worst is Sara, a master of subtle innuendo, which each time becomes more personal and thus more painful. The entire situation leads to an inevitable clash that might just bring catharsis and change the two girls’ relationship forever. The pastel-hued setting of the swimming pool contrasts sharply with the darkly sad world of adolescent girls searching for their place in the classroom and in life.

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If I FLoat
Bogdan Alecsandru

Twelve-year-old Adam from the Slovak village of Utekáč can do any job you ask of him. He is strong, brave, and very active. He earns his own money, his life is completely in his own hands, and his friends admire him for it. That is all Adam says about himself, but the truth is perhaps a little different. Set to a folk rhythm, Slovak director Katarína Gramátová’s hybrid documentary brilliantly uses the tools of cinema, a sense of subtle humor, and provocative irony to tell the story of one Romani boy and one remote village where life is far from easy.

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A Good Mind Grows in Thorny Places
Katarína Gramatová
Slovak Republic

Violence begets violence, and 14-year-old Jessica knows it. She lives with a father who is quick to anger, especially if there isn’t enough food in the house – and Jessica, her younger sister, and her mother all have the mental and physical scars to match. She would like to live as carefree a life as her friends, but fitting in is hard. All of the family’s problems come to a head one afternoon when Jessica is supposed to pick up the shopping but would also like to go to a party. A film about the power of sibling love, about minor misfortunes with disproportionately negative consequences, and the yearning to break free from the vicious cycle of a dysfunctional family.

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Cura Sana
Lucía G. Romero