
memorandum of understanding for °efp on diversity & inclusion

We value diversity would like to see this reflected in our work. We encourage and welcome all nominations/applications irrespective of gender, nationality, race, ethnic and socio-cultural and economic background, religion, attributed disability, age as well as sexual orientation and identity.

EFP actively supports and encourages gender balance, diversity and inclusion in its programmes, activities, strategies as well as in staff matters.

Some of the ways EFP currently supports gender balance, diversity and inclusion in its programmes is by:

  • selecting of only one film/talent per country to underline European diversity in its entirety
  • defining selection criteria which often specify submissions must be diverse in terms of gender and ethnic background
  • presenting public panels and industry talks which raise the awareness for the topic and features voices and perspectives from marginalised groups
  • ensuring diversity by seeking jury members, panelists, speakers from marginalised groups

EFP is a founding member of ARTEF (Anti-Racism Taskforce for European Film) which tackles institutional racism in the European film industry on a pan-European level.