
Future Frames2024 groupshot 900x600

Future Frames participants 2024 with Festival Director Karel Och - f.l.t.r. 1st row: Bogdan Alecsandru (Romania), Matthias Krepp (Austria), William Sehested Høeg (Denmark); 2nd row: Lucía G. Romero (Spain), Marie-Magdalena Kochová (Czech Republic), Marthe Peters (Belgium), Hilke Rönnfeldt (Germany), Katarína Gramatová (Slovak Republic), Emanuela Muzzupappa (Italy), Anna Maria Joakimsdottir-Hutri (Iceland) (c) Film Service Festival Karlovy Vary

spotlight on europe's brightest new directors at kviff

European Film Promotion (EFP) and the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (KVIFF) are delighted to welcome the ten emerging directors selected for this year's EFP Future Frames anniversary edition presenting their latest films at the festival (until 7 July 2024).

Following an intensive online preliminary programme featuring pitching training and industry meetings, the talents will present their films to the industry, the press and the audience at the festival on the following days and will also take part in an intensive tailor-made industry programme.

Thanks to renewed support from the multinational lottery operator Allwyn and collaboration with American talent agency UTA and Range Media Partners, the programme provides a comprehensive experience for the emerging filmmakers. A highlight of the three-day programme on site is an exclusive master class with Mexican director Michel Franco on July 2, where Franco will share his filmmaking experiences with the emerging directors.

EFP FUTURE FRAMES – Generation NEXT of European Cinema highlights new European cinema and the promising directing talent behind it. Outstanding film students and graduates from across Europe were nominated by their countries' national film promotion institutes, with the final selection being made by KVIFF's artistic director Karel Och and his team of programmers.

These are the ten up-and-coming directors with their films from:

Austria: Matthias Krepp Strangers in the Night | Belgium/Flanders: Marthe Peters Baldilocks | Czech Republic: Marie-Magdalena Kochová 3 MWh | Denmark: William Sehested Høeg The Complaint | Germany: Hilke Rönnfeldt A Study of Empathy | Iceland: Anna Maria Jóakimsdóttir-Hutri Who Stands Up for Alvar | Italy: Emanuela Muzzupappa Love’s Servant Romania: Bogdan Alecsandru If I Float |Slovak Republic: Katarína Gramatová A Good Mind Grows in Thorny Places | Spain: Lucía G. Romero Cura Sana.

***click here for further information on this year’s selection***

EFP FUTURE FRAMES – Generation NEXT of European Cinema, in collaboration with the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (KVIFF), is made possible thanks to the support of Creative Europe – the MEDIA Programme of the European Union and Allwyn, a leading multi-national lottery operator, as well as the participating national film promotion institutes, EFP's member organisations: Austrian Films, Cinecittà (Italy), Czech Film Center, Danish Film Institute, Flanders Image (Belgium), German Films, Icelandic Film Centre, Romanian Film Development, Slovak Film Institute, Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales / ICAA (Spain), The main media partner is Variety, with Cineuropa and Fred Film Radio as additional media partners.

The films are available for selected industry professionals upon request via EFP's partner T-Port

about karlovy vary international film festival

The Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (KVIFF) is the largest film festival in the Czech Republic and the most prestigious such festival in Central and Eastern Europe. It is one of the oldest A-list film festivals (i.e., non-specialized festivals with a competition for feature-length fiction films), a category it shares with the festivals in Cannes, Berlin, Venice, Locarno, San Sebastian, Montreal, Shanghai, and Tokyo. Among filmmakers, buyers, distributors, sales agents, and journalists, KVIFF is considered to be the most important event in all of Central and Eastern Europe.

about allwyn

As a partner of KVIFF, Allwyn, a leading multi-national lottery operator, is proud to be a partner of the FUTURE FRAMES programme to elevate and empower emerging directorial talent from across Europe. Allwyn will host the Allwyn Future Frames Lounge on site at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival and bring the ten emerging European talents together with industry leaders, including overseas talent agency UTA and management company Range Media Partners. Allwyn’s celebration evening will commemorate the work of all ten selected directors. In addition, one director from the group will be awarded a scholarship to Hollywood.

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